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போண்டாவை இப்படி செய்தால் ஒன்று கூட மிச்சம் இருக்காது / வெஜிடபிள் போண்டா / Mixed Vegetable Bonda

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Vegetable Bonda : For batter : Bengal gram flour -1 cup , Rice flour -1 cup , Roasted gram flour -1/4 cup , salt , red chilli powder , cooking soda , oil
For stuffing : Boiled potatoes , carrot , beans , peas ,onions , ginger chilli paste , turmeric powder , salt , lemon , coriander leaves , oil , Mustard seeds , black gram dhal , Asafoetida

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  1. vijayalakshmi06

    Wow very tempting recipe mam. One humble request pls give cup mesurenments for riceflour , kadala mavu and pottukadala maavu ratio mam pls. And also can we follow the same ratio for bajji also. Pls clarufy mam

  2. lakshmi thiyagarajan

    I haven’t added Roasted channa dhal powder and will give a try.
    Madam, i have heard people saying not to use green chilli in cooking but we can use red chilli. Off late I’m hearing not to use red chilli as it causes cancer in the body. Could you kindly share your thoughts and opinions on the above question!!

    1. Mallika Badrinath veetu samayal / Mallika Badrinath

      Nothing like that. Anything in just required will not harm you. Some people eat lots of pickle which may not suit them. Don’t use very spicy Guntur chilli

  3. Manivannan D

    பிரமாதம் sis, but நான் சோட எப்பவும் baji, bonda கு போட மாட்டேன், than இட்லி மாவு சேர்த்திடுவேன்

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