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Vendhaya Idli/ வெந்தய இட்லி உடலுக்கு குளுமை தரும். மிக்ஸியிலும்அரைக்கலாம். மெத்துமெத்தென்றுஇருக்கும்

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Ingredients: Idli rice -1 cup, Fenugreek seeds-1 tsp. Salt , water for soaking and grinding Fenugreek -200 ml.

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    Hi mam,i tried this vendhaya idlitoday.wow! I haven’t seen such soft idlis in my life .Thanks much for the recipe.
    I want to know the measure for double the quantity, is it double the measure?

    1. Mallika Badrinath veetu samayal / Mallika Badrinath

      Yes.For each cup of rice one tsp Fenugrrek.If you are using 3 cups of rice, 3 tsps of vendhayam is important.Water also you should use as told by me.For 3 tsps minimum 2 1/2 cups of water is must.

  2. Surenther jv

    Wow very innovative amma..its really very good because u using Fenugreek seeds..Its reduce the blood glucose diabetes patients and also good for reduce the blood cholesterol level and Fenugreek have good enzymes its cure for ulcer and also prevent kidney stone mam..thank u for ur recipe mam

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